Friday, January 15, 2010

They work behind closed doors?

California Community Hit Hard By Foreclosure Epidemic

They work behind closed doors.

Could it be the miliatry?
Could it be the mafia?
Could it be Al-Qaeda?
Could it be Al-Jihad?

It might be kind of  a clandestine operation.  It might be sinister.  It might be something bad.


Main Entry: clan·des·tine
Pronunciation: \klan-ˈdes-tən also -ˌtīn or -ˌtēn or ˈklan-dəs-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French clandestin, from Latin clandestinus, from clam secretly; akin to Latin celare to hide — more at hell
Date: circa 1528
: marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy : surreptitious <a clandestine love affair>

They work behind closed doors, like a clandestine  group or government.  Who is doing this?

It must be a group of dangerous people.  Its must be criminals or maybe terrorists. Are they making secrets?

ITS YOUR GOVERNMENT  - dangerous and hard at work on the health care bill.  Hiding from view. Hiding from you

Not on C-Span like we were promised.

Like children whispering.

Talking behind your back.

Talking behind closed doors.\

  When they finally show their faces, remember those faces, and  vote them out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Behind closed doors they are refining the most corrupt legislation ever written. I hope and pray it will fail.
