Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama Must Start to do Something

The article by Gideon Rachman "Obama must start punching harder" is the worst thing BO can do.

Rachman says, "The notion that Mr. Obama is a weak leader is now spreading in ways that are dangerous to his presidency. The fact that he won the Nobel Peace Prize last Friday will not change this impression. Peace is all very well. But Mr. Obama now needs to pick a fight in public – and win it with a clean knock-out."

Lets look at the last sentence again.
"But Mr. Obama now needs to pick a fight in public – and win it with a clean knock-out."

Here is why this article is totally ridiculous and will not fly. And if BO tries this tactic, he will crash land.

The Obama WH and Anita Dudd want to wage war with FOX News. They will not win anything. To say BO needs to pick a fight in public will only ask for more trouble. He and his administration are already in deep trouble.

The Rachman article references the phase "right wing assault." I would argue that the "assaults" are based on the truth of the matter. Examples of the assaults include;
"Obama the false Messiah; Obama, the president who apologises for America; Obama, the man who is more loved abroad than at home; Obama, the man who never gets anything done; Obama the hesitant; Obama the weak."

Where did these notions come from? Obama himself, he has created most of his own problems. But it is easier to blame others rather than fix what you have done yourself; blame Fox News, pick a fight with the public, and blame others.

Obama has exacerbated his own situation. How?

He on many occasions has showed inexperience and naivete. The economy, granted he did not create all the woes, but he and his lawyers and economist are involved. He got involved with the GM and Chrysler and their unions. The Tarp Program, sky high unemployment, his stimulus package, creation of czars with no congress approval. Unneeded pressures from Van Jones. All these issues bring negatively to the President. Where did all this bad press come from? Most was BO own doing, and lack of doing.

A while back, he was traveling nearly every day, health care rallies, talk to unions( that's important) went to Wall Street - to scold. Lots of energy, very aggressive, and as usual, nothing got done. Then he had to appear on 5 Sunday news shows. Waste of time. Then off to Copenhagen. Then back to DC. His handlers, I guess David Axelrod and others have simply overexposed this President. He is trying to do too much.
Along with all of this, he seem to be dragging his feet with the possible increase of soldiers in Afghanistan. If we are going to stay in that region, and we are, why not gave the ok for more soldiers. There should be no strategy there, except to win the war, and you need more people on the ground to win. Enough already.

BO and all his close friends, come from Chicago. Did he think Washington was like Chicago? We will not compare the two cities, but it could be said that Chicago has enough corruption to go around.

Here is another flaw he has self created. Health care. He pushed and pushed until the little engine could go no more. What a joke, is it any wonder that Hillary Clinton could not get health reform moving? Its too big of an issue, the House and the Senate cannot handle it all. It should have been done in stages, not with one final bill. Any bill this big should have taken at least a year to complete.

One final idea. This President has a lot of support and friends, but he also has a lot of people who do not support or trust him and he has political enemies. This has nothing to do with race, this has to do with BO.

Many who liked him are now having buyers remorse.


  1. And they should have buyer's remorse. I think it would be hilarious if he made an idiot of himself by actually doing something. I'm making popcorn right now, just waiting for him to do something else that's stupid. Glenn Beck's waiting, too...with his new 'red phone' for the White House to call if he makes any mistake.

  2. I did not vote for BO, and I disagree with everything he does and stands for.
    I saw that show. Beck is terrific. Fox News is one of our best friends. I appreciate what they do.
