Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Care bill is a huge accomplishment for the Democrats - who says?

The bill, which passed 219 to 212 without a single Republican vote.

Here is what Obama really did.

Dozens and dozens of lies, distortions and half truths.

Dozens of deals.

If this is such a great win for Democrats, why is the President still trying to sell it to the America public?

If the Health Care bill is such  a huge accomplishment for the Democrats, why were there so many deals to buy votes?

How can this be called a victory?  When the Democrats have had to lie, cheat and make deals to pass this bill.  You had to cheat and be corrupt to pass this bill.  Shame on the Democrats.

Hurry up November.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I need to delete my political ranting, I can't close up my blog at http://myanonself.blogspot
    there is just too much to say.
    Please visit and view the video I posted yesterday. It says it all about this coming November, and people need to pay heed.
