Tuesday, October 20, 2009

White House Attacks Fox News

This is a very important initiative the Obama White House has undertaken. Not only important, but childish. But this is typical of this WH. Their notions are flawed, just like the character of the staff there, its flawed. Anita Dunn and Robert Gibbs should be very proud of creating more smoke and distortions.

The WH tries to smear FOX by saying FOX is "not a news organization so much as it has a perspective."

This is not true, and anyone with a half of a brain, knows better. Give FOX a little credit.

The White House thinks MSNBC, with Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Ed Shultz, and Rachel Maddow is NEWS? These four shows are full of vicious language, lies, half truths. These shows take turns at beating up Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, and everyone who is a conservative and Republican.

I think the White House has better things to do than wage war with FOX. What a waste of time, money and efforts. The America tax payers should send the WH a bill, for overspending, and fine them for misplaced priorities. But the best thing the tax payer can do will be done at the polls next election.

1 comment:

  1. This alone would've gotten any previous administration knocked off their pedestal. But what they're not seeing is they're making more people watch Fox, and even the liberal press is questioning it. They're uniting more and more people AGAINST the administration with this type of childish rhetoric. Time to oust them all and start all over again.
