Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Shameful Betrayal of Israel

Its hard to understand why Israel is being treated so badly. Something has changed.  Israel is not the troublemakers  in the region.
The bad "children" in the area are Iran and the Palestinians.  These two are professional troublemakers.
Iran will never be our friend.
Obama does not get it. He is anti Israel. He threw the Jews under the bus again. This is an error.

And the U.S will pay for this mistake. BO should leave foreign affair in the hands of Hillary Clinton. 
Israel is our only friend in the region, and probably our only true friend in the world

Liberals are so supportive with this President, they cannot see any of his flaws, distortions, and lies. They too are childish, because they think with their hearts, they do not think with their heads(minds). Yes liberals love their cheerleader. Too bad he not more of a leader.

Yesterdays speech at the UN was pathetic.
Obama was in  good company.

Libya's Khadafy and Iran's Ahmadinejad. Disgraceful. Shameful.

What a second class,  phony act, so true of all Obama rhetoric. 
America's apologist. Just words, lots of words, but with little or no meaning, what he has in luster, he lacks in being genuine.

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